The nature con­ser­va­tion work in the Low­er Oder Val­ley, orga­nized under pri­vate law, rests on four pillars:

This 4‑pillar mod­el has proven itself and is a role mod­el for Ger­man nature con­ser­va­tion (see Arti­cle by T. Berg, K. Pöt­ter & A. Vöss­ing in the lit­er­a­ture list).

In addi­tion to nature con­ser­va­tion orga­nized under pri­vate law, there is

  • the Nation­al Park Admin­is­tra­tion (D‑16303 Schwedt, Park 2, Phone +49 3332 2677–0, Mail), which is part of the Bran­den­burg State Envi­ron­ment Agency and will have a team of eight employ­ees in the future as well
  • the Nature watch (D‑16303 Schwedt, Park 2), which belongs to the Naturschutz­Fonds­Bran­den­burg, a foun­da­tion under pub­lic law that is con­trolled by the Bran­den­burg Min­istry of the Envi­ron­ment and Agri­cul­ture. There are cur­rent­ly eleven rangers work­ing here.

For the two Pol­ish pro­tect­ed areas, Cedyn­s­ki Park Kra­jo­bra­zowy (Zehden Land­scape Pro­tec­tion Park) and Kra­jo­bra­zowy Dolina Dolej Odry Park (Low­er Oder Val­ley Land­scape Pro­tec­tion Park) is responsible:

  • Dyrekc­ja Parku Kra­jo­bra­zowego Dolina Dol­nej Odry i Cedyn­skiego Parku Kra­jo­bra­zowego (PL-74–100 Gryfi­no, ul. Armii Kra­jowej 36, Phone +48 91 415 01 39, Mail).

Of course, in addi­tion to the insti­tu­tions spe­cial­iz­ing in the nation­al park, the region­al groups of the large nature con­ser­va­tion asso­ci­a­tions, e.g. Nature Con­ser­va­tion Asso­ci­a­tion (NABU) very active in the area.