Today the largest wild mam­mal in the Low­er Oder Val­ley is the red deer (Cervus ela­phus). But it was­n’t that long ago that wild hors­es and cat­tle were also at home in Cen­tral Europe. Until the Ice Age even wild ones lived here Water buf­fa­lo (Bubalus arnee), still in the Mid­dle Ages Bison (Bison bona­sus) and the last Aurochs (Bos prim­i­ge­nius), the famous wild Ur, was only exter­mi­nat­ed in the 17th cen­tu­ry. But they belong in an unspoilt land­scape. They will not return by them­selves like the wolf (Can­is lupus) or the gold­en jack­al (Can­is aureus), who have already found their way back to the low­er Oder Val­ley on their four paws. We have to help the large ungulates.

In the pold­er near Stolzen­hagen and Lunow, around 100 back­bred aurochs, the so-called Heck cat­tle, live on three large, wild pas­tures, togeth­er with prim­i­tive hors­es like the one Exmoor pony or that Konik, which is still very sim­i­lar to the west­ern wild horse, the tarpan. Only the east­ern wild horse, the so-called Prze­wal­s­ki horse (Equ­us ferus prze­wal­skii), sur­vived.

In Criewen near the nation­al park car park next to the chick­en farm, a herd of bison is devel­op­ing, sur­round­ed by nation­al park forests. The ani­mals come from the Berlin Zoo and Tier­park and are a sign of the good coöper­a­tion between the Berlin zoos and nature con­ser­va­tion in the Low­er Oder Val­ley. The first young ani­mals were born on the wild bison pas­ture. With bison keep­ing, we com­bine aspects of species pro­tec­tion, biotope main­te­nance, eco­log­i­cal agri­cul­ture, but also tourism promotion.

In the far north, in the Friedrich­sthaler Pold­er, there are around 100 water buf­fa­los. They were orig­i­nal­ly domes­ti­cat­ed in Asia, but have been a domes­tic ani­mal in the Balka­ns as well as in Italy since the 5th cen­tu­ry. They are excel­lent­ly adapt­ed to the damp meadows.

While the aurochs and hors­es are kept by Öko Agrar GmbH, the bison and water buf­fa­lo are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of estab­lished farm­ers from the region.