The keep­ing of our ani­mals is a mix­ture of nature con­ser­va­tion and agri­cul­ture. We believe that the future of agri­cul­ture must lie in such forms of husbandry.

The herd of our asso­ci­a­tion near Lunow in the south of the nation­al park should con­tin­ue to grow. Sur­plus ani­mals, such as young bulls, have to be removed any­way, and not every young bull is suit­able as a breed­ing bull. For slaugh­ter, the ani­mals are shot stress-free on the area and in a small, famil­iar one Slaugh­ter­house in Lunow processed and vac­u­um packed.

If you enjoy this meat, you will also help the fur­ther aurochs breed­ing and many rare insect and bird species that get a chance again on near-nat­ur­al pastures.

And what can you buy?

Logo aurochsYou can order pack­ages from us, which usu­al­ly con­tain roasts (leg, prime rib), leg meat, goulash, roulades, minced meat and soup meat. All indi­vid­ual pieces are vac­u­um-sealed. The price per pack­age is € 55.00 or € 100.00. Fil­let is sold sep­a­rate­ly as whole pieces at a price of 55 € / kg (piece approx. 1.5 kg).

So that you have an idea of what is in the meat pack­ages, here is a list of unit prices. For orga­ni­za­tion­al rea­sons, we are unfor­tu­nate­ly not usu­al­ly able to put togeth­er pack­ages individually.

Arti­cle Amount Price
Steak per kg € 25.00
Roast, false fil­let, boiled beef, shov­el roast, roulades per kg € 20.00
Goulash, meat, mince per kg 15.00 €
Leg slices, liv­er, soup meat, heart, kid­ney, tail per kg € 10.00
Bock­wurst, grilled sausage per kg € 10.00
Sala­mi per kg € 28.00

If you want to buy meat from our aurochs for your kitchen, write us your wish­es by email or vis­it our web­site “Nation­al Park Meat from the Low­er Oder Val­ley” using the but­ton on the right.

We’ll be slaugh­ter­ing again in Novem­ber. Your orders will be deliv­ered in the order in which they are received.

But the best thing is to let us list you. All inter­est­ed par­ties list­ed are asked about their order requests before each slaugh­ter. We only use your infor­ma­tion for this purpose.

Bön Appetit!