Hedges divide the landscape

Last year, the Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Unteres Oder­tal eV (Nation­al Park Asso­ci­a­tion) launched two large projects to plant hedgerows and field trees in the large­ly cleared agri­cul­tur­al land­scape of the nation­al park region. The objec­tive is the same in both cas­es: the five to ten meter wide hedges are intend­ed to sub­di­vide the agri­cul­tur­al land­scape again, prefer­ably based on old struc­tures. This is intend­ed to pro­tect the arable soil from ero­sion, because vio­lent winds car­ry the fer­tile soil from the field as a dis­turb­ing dust. In the past there have been more acci­dents on motor­ways because the road traf­fic was severe­ly obstruct­ed by these clouds of dust. The soil gains fer­til­i­ty with the new hedges and ben­e­fits from the par­tial shad­ing. Above all, how­ev­er, insects and birds such as the red-backed killer or whin­chat regain a small part of their habi­tats. Espe­cial­ly the plants and ani­mals of the agri­cul­tur­al land­scape are threat­ened and show strong declines in the num­bers of species and indi­vid­u­als. They get a new home in hedges and woods — actu­al­ly their old one.

That Cor­ri­dor wood project in Fel­chow / Flems­dorf / Criewen includes four hedges with a total length of three kilo­me­ters, with a width of eight to ten meters. The bush­es and trees are plant­ed in sev­en to nine rows. A total of 25,000 m² are plant­ed, but in such a way that they are not harm­ful to sub­si­dies for the farmer. This means that the farm­ing farmer con­tin­ues to receive his EU agri­cul­tur­al sub­sidy for the plant­ed areas. So the EU pro­motes such structures.

Typ­i­cal trees, elms and oaks, also maples and lin­den trees, but in between also wild pears, horn­beams and above all wil­lows are plant­ed. Hawthorn and elder­ber­ry, dog­wood and hazel­nut, but also dog and wine ros­es are plant­ed as shrubs.

The plan­ta­tions are pro­tect­ed by fences, which are intend­ed to keep the abun­dant game out and pre­vent it from being bit­ten. The prac­ti­cal imple­men­ta­tion lies in the tried and test­ed hands of the Nor­duck­er­märkische Seen­land­schaft eV land­scape con­ser­va­tion asso­ci­a­tion. The spe­cial­ist plan­ning was car­ried out for us by Her­mann Wiesing. Financ­ing is pro­vid­ed by the Stiftung­NaturSchutz Fonds Bran­den­burg in the amount of 260,000 euros from funds for com­pen­sato­ry and replace­ment mea­sures, main­ly from wind pow­er and pipeline con­struc­tion. The invest­ment and imple­men­ta­tion peri­od, includ­ing three-year main­te­nance, ranges from 2020–2023.

In which Dry pold­er cor­ri­dor wood and hedge project In the south­ern part of the nation­al park, a good four kilo­me­ters of hedges and field trees were plant­ed in five plant sec­tions, con­sist­ing of three-row rows of heis­ter and shrub­bery, one side of the water, five meters wide. Most­ly dif­fer­ent types of wil­low were plant­ed as heis­ter, but also alder and oak, as bush­es dog­wood, vibur­num and buck­thorn were used. When plant­i­ng in the pold­er, the fence anchored in the ground also serves to pro­tect against the vora­cious beaver, which at least has to stay out­side for a while.

The prac­ti­cal imple­men­ta­tion was in the hands of Baum­schule Appel GmbH from Wald­siev­ers­dorf, the plan­ning again with Her­mann Wiesing. Financ­ing was pro­vid­ed by the Invest­ment Bank of the State of Bran­den­burg (ILB) in the amount of 232,000 euros from fed­er­al and state funds as part of the joint task “Improve­ment of the Agri­cul­tur­al Struc­ture and Coastal Pro­tec­tion (GAK)”. The invest­ment and imple­men­ta­tion peri­od includ­ing two-year main­te­nance is from 2020–2022.

Every vis­i­tor and res­i­dent can already take a look at the plan­ta­tions. The future for agri­cul­ture and nature con­ser­va­tion is grow­ing here. The nation­al park asso­ci­a­tion not only wants to pro­tect and devel­op the nation­al park itself, but also to inte­grate it into the sur­round­ing fields. Both belong together.

The board of directors