Excur­sion: Ornitho­log­i­cal evening tour — a sonorous walk through the floodplain
Date: Sat­ur­day, May 29th, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Loca­tion: Wilder­ness School Teero­fen­brücke, An der Teerofenbrücke
Prices: free of charge, but dona­tions are welcome

Descrip­tion of the event:
Get to know the local bird life in the heart of the nation­al park accom­pa­nied by the expe­ri­enced ornithol­o­gists Ulf Kraatz and Hans-Jochen Hafer­land (Ornitho­log­i­cal Work­ing Group Uck­er­mark). They explain the excit­ing flo­ra and fau­na of the Low­er Oder Val­ley to you in a gen­er­al­ly under­stand­able way. A deter­mi­na­tion book and binoc­u­lars are use­ful.. The excur­sion takes place in the great out­doors, all dis­tances can be observed and all cur­rent­ly valid state reg­u­la­tions are observed.

Common redstart

Com­mon redstart

A pre­vi­ous reg­is­tra­tion at the e‑mail address:
, phone +49 3332/219822 is desired.

The board of directors

Orga­niz­er: Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion Unteres Odertal
Park 3, Criewen Castle
D‑16303 Schwedt / Oder
Phone: +49 3332/21 98 22