20th anniver­sary of the Nation­al Park Foundation

On Fri­day, Octo­ber 2nd, 2015, the nature con­ser­va­tion and the  Nation­al park fans in the large ball­room at Criewen Cas­tle  20th anniver­sary of the Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion and the Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park, at the same time 25 years of Ger­man reuni­fi­ca­tion in peace and freedom.

After all, Ger­man uni­ty was of great impor­tance for nature con­ser­va­tion and the nation­al park movement.

From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Bran­den­burg Acad­e­my of Criewen Cas­tle will hold a con­fer­ence on the sub­ject of “Which wilder­ness do we want?”, As the wilder­ness theme is cen­tral  for the Nation­al Park and the Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion. Reg­is­tra­tions at the Bran­den­burg Acad­e­my are also possible.

A pub­lic, free excur­sion fol­lows at 5 p.m., and the cer­e­mo­ny begins at 6 p.m. (tick­ets required).

The keynote address will be giv­en by Clemens Stroet­mann, State Sec­re­tary at the Fed­er­al Min­istry for the Envi­ron­ment, Nature Con­ser­va­tion and Nuclear Safe­ty (BMU) in Bonn.

The board of directors